Artist Spotlight: 24kGoldn

Perry Avgerinos

Bay Area rapper/singer, 24kGoldn's rattling the Pop Rap scene at only 19 years old. The USC honor student-turned rap prodigy first popped on the map with standout singles "Ballin' Like Shareef" and "Valentino," which he recorded when he was just 17. His fan base began to build while on a scholarship at USC, when his single "Bitch I Go To USC" began going viral on campus, being played at tailgates and fraternity parties. The traction helped land him a deal with Records LLC, a subsidiary under Columbia Records. In 2019, 24kGoldn left USC on a leave of absence, inspiring the namesake of his debut album "DROPPED OUTTA COLLEGE," giving us a taste of his divergent ability to deliver clever bars over distorted 808s, yet serenade melodies over lofty guitar driven beats like "GAMES ON YOUR PHONE."

It's clear 24kGoldn isn't playing any games, and we're eager to watch the ascent of his career skyrocket in 2020 as he's currently accompanying YBN Cordae on "The Lost Boy In America" tour and still intends to finish his business degree by 28.

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