AI Created a New Nirvana Song, but How?

AI is taking the phrase "Legends Never Die" to the next level. Everyone is familiar with the "27 Club," home to artists such as Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, and Kurt Cobain, all who died before the age of 27. Toronto Based Over the Bridge is a nonprofit organization surrounding the mental health discussion, planning to bring these legends back to life (kind of).

In their latest project, "Lost Tapes of the 27 Club," Over The Bridge plans to honor musicians from the tragic 27 Club by using AI technology. The Canadian company used Google's Magenta AI program to analyze a handful of songs, and aside from vocal performance, created a new, true-to-life Nirvana track. While the vocals were performed by the frontman of a Nirvana tribute band, artificial intelligence was able to analyze melodies, chords, patterns, and lyrics of past projects to create a new product reminiscent of the timeless band. A major step in technology, it's clear that AI is a disruption that is fast approaching. What artist would you like to see AI resurrect?

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