Ben Goldsmith Is on ‘The Start of Something Beautiful’ with release of Sophomore Album [Album Review]

Perry Avgerinos

For fans of soulful voices and feel-good records, there’s a new artist you should definitely have on your radar. 18-year-old singer-songwriter Ben Goldsmith makes a striking return with his sophomore album The Start of Something Beautiful, showcasing a sound that feels well beyond his years.

Sonically, the album travels across genres like soul, indie, and alternative, with Ben leaning into his storytelling style to craft 11 tracks that feel timeless. His musical influences are evident from the first listen, with nods to icons like Elton John, Queen, and Stevie Wonder subtly woven throughout the record.

Tracks like “Look On” and “Easy” evoke a nostalgic warmth reminiscent of these legends, yet remain fresh and contemporary—fusing classic inspiration with modern flair.

Though we can only offer a glimpse here, trust us when we say this album is well worth the 36-minute listen. Despite his youth, Ben Goldsmith is already showing immense promise, and we can’t wait to see how his potential unfolds, especially in a live setting. Dive into The Start of Something Beautiful below:

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