Brevin Kim Seek Answers in Latest Single, "LAY IT ALL ON ME"

Perry Avgerinos

Brevin Kim is on a mission. Constantly in a state of flux, never settling with previous styles and successes, Cal and Bren continue to push the envelope that attempts to label their sound. Steadily building towards their sophomore album slated for the end of 2021, Kim deliver their single "LAY IT ALL ON ME," an abrasive, yet vulnerable juxtaposition about change in their lives, inducing conversations around their new LA lifestyle.

"LAY IT ALL ON ME," leans into the boys' hyper-metallic influence, with heavily distorted 808's, complementing Kim's anthemic vocal melodies. Revealing more substance and raw emotion into their lyrics, the production both disguises the lyrical intent, yet also supplements the emotion Brevin Kim likely felt when inspired to create this track. Change has been a consistent theme in 2021 for Kim, after Cal and Bren moved across the country to LA to do music full-time, having to find a new balance within their lifestyle, relationships, and career.

For day-one fans of Brevin Kim, you'll be happy to hear the scrappy, unrefined roots of the sound that first put the boys on the map – yet with a step up in recording and production quality. Kim has never failed to keep it real with their audience and fans, making their music feel like a self-reflection within ourselves. "LAY IT ALL ON ME" is no exception, setting the bar high for their forthcoming album. Listen below:

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