Groupthink and Sunday Scaries Release Party Banger, “Dressed For A Funeral”

Ian Hansen

Groupthink's year has been an exhilarating roller coaster ride. From sharing the limelight as KennyHoopla's opening act to orchestrating an extravagant Los Angeles rave, their journey has been a whirlwind of music-infused madness. Alongside this, Groupthink has gifted the world with an array of captivating melodies, the latest being their collaboration with electro pop duo Sunday Scaries, with "Dressed For A Funeral."

The fusion of indie pop and dubstep within this track stands as a testament to Groupthink's unrivaled creativity. Groupthink and Sunday Scaries held a 1,000 person party in Los Angeles, and this song exemplifies that environment.

I have always been obsessed with Groupthink’s vocals and now, with "Dressed For A Funeral," they propel the energy to another level with brash bass lines and ethereal synths that embellish the already grand record. This song leaves me eager to see how Groupthink continues to innovate the indie space for years to come.

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