Indie Rock Band mercury Hits Home on “Trying”

Ben Wego

Take a dive into Nashville based indie rock band mercury’s new track titled “Trying." This song explores the angst of internal pressure we put on ourselves and how that changes the dynamic of our mental health for the worse – ultimately coming out of these hard times a more powerful person as we grow into ourselves.

Lead singer, Maddie Kerr possesses a haunting siren voice seasoning the track with the perfect blend of soft indie rock and emotional outcries. The emotion in the track is tangible and rich. “And I’m trying / To talk myself off this ledge, To bring myself back to bed / But it’s just getting harder / It’s just getting harder / To rest / And I’m dying / To sound it all out in my head / To love myself when I’m undressed.”

“Trying” embodies the tumultuous experience of anxiety that comes with growing up and coming to face deep rooted insecurities. The music video highlights these feelings symbolically through the waves of an ocean an unquestionably beautiful existence that is also extremely unpredictable, that can rejuvenate us but also drown us.

mercury’s “Trying” is a melancholic tribute to the curve balls life throws at us, coming to terms with that pain, realizing that we are not alone in this experience, and using it as fuel to empower ourselves.

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