papichuloteej Proves He's the Better Option in 2021 Debut, "Boyfriend"

Perry Avgerinos

After having his single "Do Better" on repeat in 2020, the Las Vegas bred indie-rocker, papichuloteej makes his fashionable 2021 debut with new anthem, "Boyfriend." Fusing elements of indie, rock, and hip-hop drumbeats, papichuloteej wastes no time delivering catchy cadences and rhythmic verse flows – all with a happy-go-lucky mentality. In "Boyfriend," papichuloteej touches on falling for a girl that's taken, wishing she would leave her boyfriend so they could be together. A far too relatable situation for many, teej raps in the first verse,

"I got caught up in the mess,

Love what I can't have,

This shit got me stressed,

This shit got me pressed on the side of the window,

Wish that I knew better, wish that we could keep it simple."

It's never fun wanting someone you know you can't have. What's even more frustrating is when you receive mixed signals, and start to overthink the whole situation. papichuloteej manages to balance this uneasiness with friendly self reminders, all over calming distorted electric guitar strums, and punchy 808s. It's this confidence and reassurance that confirms teej is in good hands no matter what happens, unaffected from what is meant to be his. Bump this one with the windows down, with a listen below.

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