Tapped In: The Misters

Conner Crosby

With the omnipresence of the Internet and the general step forward in the conceptual sophistication of the music scene, sometimes an amount of emotional authenticity is lost. This is especially true during quarantine, with the absence of live shows contributing to a continued depletion of some of the simpler, more personal moments between music lovers and music. The Misters, a band that first and foremost are performers of music and purveyors of the love of music, had a special way of honoring the live music experience. Their song “GSP” was a concert exclusive, something that could only be shared in person, until now.

To help their fans through the rest of quarantine and remind them of the magic of their live shows, the Misters released “GSP” as a single. The track, a fairly tender number at first before opening up into the band’s signature, makes sense in this new context, with lyrical themes regarding needing a fix and needing to let go.

The music video for the track isn’t a high budget or high concept endeavor. It’s a simple and deeply personal trip down memory lane, with optimism for the inevitable return of concerts. The “Tapped In” segment will always celebrate artistic innovation in the world of music videos, and while the “GSP” video may not be precisely that, it cleverly depicts the reality that live performances are at the heart of what makes music great, and that they have been dearly missed over the past year. The Misters are a great band, and without many bells or whistles, they communicate very effectively with this new release. Go check them out.

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