Tyler, The Creator Releases New Single, “LUMBERJACK” in Preparation for New Album

Rachel Guttman

To follow-up some recent teasers and mysterious billboards hinting at a potential new album, Tyler, The Creator confirms new album speculation with the sudden drop of his new rap leaning single, “LUMBERJACK," along with the accompanying music video. Yesterday, Tyler tweeted a phone number to his fans, which had been previously spotted on a billboard on Sunset Boulevard. His new song ends with a phrase, “Call Me If You Get Los,” which was printed on the billboard and in a recent teaser video featuring his close friend Taco. Some fans are speculating that “Call Me If You Get Lost” could be the album title: however, this has not been announced anywhere or confirmed directly by Tyler – but it is seeming to likely be the case. Keeping things mysterious, a website with the same name has recently popped up online.

Tyler’s last album, IGOR, was released in 2019 and Tyler has consistently maintained an every-two-years approach to launching albums, so we can safely assume he will hold up this pattern in 2021. Tyler is set to headline a number of festivals later this year including Day N Vegas Festival and Bonnaroo. We are looking forward to seeing what Tyler has in store for this likely upcoming project and his various performances this year.

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