Who is Eleanor Kingston?

Ben Wego

The magnetic genre blending of indie pop rock is a staple in 22 year old Los Angeles based artist, Eleanor Kingston’s discography. Her latest release "The Moon Doesn’t Follow Your Car" shines with vibrant drums and bass with lyrics that paint a vivid picture enveloped in Kingston’s vision of nostalgia. “Looking out the window of the bus ride/ Headphones in, the lyrics were my sunshine / Staring at the flowers, I could listen for hours / Dream of all the answers like I got super powers''. The track confidently captures that familiar feeling of reminiscing on being an innocent wide eyed kid while facing the trials and tribulations of adulthood. “The moon doesn’t follow your car as you drive / And the birds aren’t telling you secrets from the sky / It’s just me alone in my thoughts,”– a glimpse into the bittersweet tenderness of growing up. Kingston’s lyrics convey the confusion in the journey of looking back at who you once were while becoming the person you’re meant to be.

As a strong advocate and member of LGBTQ+, the indie alt pop artist provides insight into her own life experiences being bi-sexual through the catchy and energetic anthem "ilikegirls." Similarly, the parallel hyperpop infused track called "Don’t Trust Guys" is a perfect demonstration of Kingston’s range of intricate rhythm and catchy lyrics. Kingston’s songwriting is whimsical, insightful and personal.

Fans of a generation that raised artists like Clairo, Billie Eilish, Olivia Rodrigo, girl in red, and more will relish in the soft and edgy ear candy sound of Eleanor Kingston.

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