Who is Tae+

Courtney Fields

I’m sure that everyone reading this could name a list of their favorite artists who seem to oddly enjoy holding onto their music. Sure, we live in the day where artists now drop so often it’s honestly hard to keep up with releases; so sometimes a healthy break serves well.

That couldn’t be any more false regarding the curious case of Tae+. He’s a wordsmith, a rap and pop culture historian. He’s an artist who you can tell has a natural gift, yet his approach to rap seems calculated. He’s a know-it-all, seen-it-all type of guy; most of his songs are deeply personal, and his obsessive sense of detail makes for a unique story-telling experience.

Tae+ has exactly 10 songs on streaming platforms, but “Loaded Family” may stand out the most. The track is a testament to why Tae is who he is today, a culmination of his experiences, as well as what those around him have experienced. “Loz/YDKM”, and “Eddie G” are still as pensive as his other raps, but they’re more upbeat, and show off Tae+’s sheer wordplay ability.

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