Hannah Hill Rips Your Heart Out On "Never Saw Your Parents' House" [EP Review]

Riley Furey
Skyler Brown

I’ve been on and off listening to Hannah Hill for around a year now, and it finally felt like the time for me to dive deep into one of her projects. Thankfully, the world rewarded me when I gave Never Saw Your Parents' House an early listen the day before its true streaming release.

One of the most notable facts about Hannah’s music is that she sheds light on what it's like being in a same sex relationship. The first time I ever heard music of the same nature was when Frank Ocean used ‘he’ pronouns in Channel Orange, and thus ensued a new period where artists began to share their personal truths rather than conforming to what may have been traditionally expected of them from society.

And while I personally don’t relate to what Hannah and so many others have to deal with relating to that motif, we can all relate to the nuances that she speaks on about the trials and tribulations of being in love. It took me a few listens to start to get used to the genre in which her music resides since it isn’t my resting taste, but once I became settled, I was entranced.

Hannah speaks on some of the most minute details of love, and that is a practice I have always loved in art. I once heard that the best stand up comedy is when a comic makes the specific sound universal, and the same applies to when an artist shares their most intimate thoughts in their lyrics.

She battles with having to deal with public opinion affecting her relationships, and she speaks candidly on love and longing. It’s clear that Hannah Hill has felt the weight of her love coming and going, and even if we’re not dealing with the same loss she is, she absolutely makes us feel it while listening to this project. It’s not the music I need in my life right now thematically, but I know this EP will help guide the lost souls who need it most.

Final Opinion: This project is absolutely worth a listen for anyone dealing with heartbreak, and for those who are looking for a more singer-songwriter sound that is comparable to female power-pop artists like Adele.

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