Orion Sun Announces Debut Album, Shares Single “Mary Jane”

Kieran Kohorst
Credit: Eric Johnson

Orion Sun has always held courage in her voice – on her new single, that courage takes center stage. “Mary Jane” was written in tribute to the vices Orion Sun leaned on when presented with challenges, the sorts of which she confronts in her writing on the track. “What if I lose it all,” she questions solemnly while singing in a quiet demeanor, almost as if she believes that if no one can hear the doubts, they may vanish altogether. “I’m watching my dreams unfold / Scarier than the unknown / Or any ghost,” she continues, intimidated but not broken by the threat of self-implosion. And in this damning state, Orion finds no solutions but at least solace in Mary Jane. “This song is about coping and facing fear head on,” the artist explains. “I lean hard on my vices when it feels like the world is falling from the sky. It helps you escape for a while, but no matter where you go, you can’t run from yourself. I had to face my fears eventually, and I’m glad I did.” The chorus is instantly memorable, pleading but not begging for relief within a simple, punching melody. Elsewhere, “Mary Jane” feels much more steely and folksy than Orion Sun’s prior releases, a sign of evolution that does not compromise the artist’s pillars of self-conception and lucidity. 

More will be revealed on Orion Sun’s debut album, Orion, announced today to be released on September 20th via Mom+Pop. Her first project release in 2 years, Orion promises hard-earned breakthroughs and career-high creativity. Inspired by Orion Sun’s deep connection with nature, the album will serve as a coming of age story for one of R&B and alternative music’s most anticipated artists. Shortly after the album’s release, Orion Sun will be hitting the road on her The Rising Sun Tour on October 20th, which will take her across North America with friends and fellow phenoms Cruza as the opening act. 

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